Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2022) 21, 253 - 259   DOI:

Research article
The Immediate Effect of Adding Lumbar Mobilization to A Static Stretching Program on Hamstrings Range of Motion: An Exploratory Study
James Villers , Andrew Cardenas, Travis Gipson, Emily Man
Author Information
Department of Physical Therapy, Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX, USA

James Villers
✉ Department of Physical Therapy ASU Station #10923, San Angelo, TX. 76909
Publish Date
Received: 21-03-2022
Accepted: 26-04-2022
Published (online): 01-06-2022

A contributing risk factor and a byproduct of a hamstrings strain is limited hamstrings range of motion (ROM). Some evidence supports static stretching (SS) and lumbar spinal mobilization therapy (LSMT) as an effective means for increasing hamstrings ROM. However, the efficacy of combining LSMT and SS for increasing hamstrings ROM is unknown. The objective of the study is to quantify the immediate effects of the combination of LSMT and SS compared to LSMT and SS on hamstrings ROM in a healthy population. Thirty participants were randomized by block allocation into one of three intervention groups: (1) LSMT (unilateral lumbar PA mobilization at L-4); (2) SS; or (3) combination of LSMT and SS. Hamstrings ROM was measured pre- and post-intervention by the active knee extension test (AKET). There was no group-by-time interaction effect (p = 0.871). Within group analysis revealed a significant statistical change and a large effect size: LSMT (p = .037, RCI = 3.36, d = 0.771); SS (p = 0.035, RCI = 2.94, d = 0.781); combination (p = .005, RCI = 4.21, d = 1.186. The findings suggest that the combination of LSMT and SS does not have a further effect on hamstrings ROM compared to the individual results of LSMT or SS.

Key words: Hamstrings Strain, Rehabilitation, Athletic Injury, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy

           Key Points
  • Lumbar spinal mobilization therapy (LSMT), static stretching (SS), and the combination (LSMT and SS) each immediately improve hamstring ROM.
  • LSMT, SS, and Combination are equally effective in increasing hamstring ROM
  • The addition of LSMT to a SS program does not produce a further effect on hamstring ROM
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